AromaSounds -
Certified Raindrop Harmonics Specialist
A Certified Raindrop Harmonics Specialist (CRHS) is trained and certified to provide Raindrop Technique Sessions that incorporate tuning forks, gemstone therapy and/or color light therapy into the session. They may also incorporate Vibrational VitaFlex, Vibrational Auricular Technique, and NeuroeEndocrine Harmonics into each session.
Raindrop Harmonics ® Classes and Training in Vibrational Raindrop Technique (VRT) teach a deeper understanding of harmonics as it relates to the human body. You will learn about Vibrational Raindrop Technique with tuning forks, as well as colour lights therapy on several of the more important reflex systems of the body (auricular; hands; feet). There is a section on the power points of the body using forks, stones, sacred geometry, colour, lights and more.
Each Raindrop Harmonics Phase is a twelve-hour training and, together with three hours of non-classroom practicums, qualifies for 15 CE hours with the Natural Therapies Certification Board (NTCB) and with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodyworker (NCBTMB).
These trainings provide practical applied aromatherapy skills for the wellness professionals who choose to integrate essential oils, colour light therapy and gemstone therapy into their practices, as well as for the non-professionals who are empowering themselves to increase the health and well being of themselves, family, and friends. Participating in a Raindrop Harmonic class can lead to a Certified Raindrop Harmonics Specialist status.
Below are the 5 courses required for your CRHS certification (Certified Raindrop Harmonics Specialist):
AromaSounds® Planetary Classic Vibrational Raindrop Technique Course:
Required Class towards certification CRHS
The original Vibrational Raindrop technique created by Dr. Christi Bonds-Garrett in early 2011 that, for the very first time, incorporates tuning forks into Gary Young’s Raindrop Technique using the perfect combination of Young Living Essential Oils! This technique utilizes the frequencies of the planetary bodies, which include the planets, Sun and Moon, and other constellations. The planetary bodies have medical correlations with the human body and, by utilizing their frequencies, we create a resonance that leaves one feeling amazing!
Participants completing this advanced training will:
Understand vibrational sound, frequency, and form;
Understand tonal intervals, energetics, and tuning forks;
Locate points for Tuning Fork Placement;
Identify properties and frequencies of essential oils used in Raindrop;
Learn how essential oils applied with intention are "tuned in" with intervals;
Acquire skills in handling tuning forks and essential oils in Raindrop application;
Learn to facilitate Vibrational Raindrop Technique and Receive a Vibrational Raindrop;
Receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Pre-requisite: You need to know how to facilitate a Raindrop Technique. Not necessary to have be trained by CARE, but you need to know Raindrop before being able to attend this class.
AromaSounds® Body Systems Vibrational Raindrop Technique & Vibrational Vitaflex Technique Course:
Required Class toward certification CRHS
Interactive Lecture with multi-media presentations covering the History of Sound Healing, Vibrational Raindrop Technique, Vibrational VitaFlex and the use of Essential Oils. This 12hours course offers training to support your body systems. It gives an in-depth look at the Planetary correlations to the individual Body System Vibrational Raindrop Technique protocols, along with advanced Vibrational VitaFlex techniques that can be incorporated into the different Body System VRTs, and hands-on Experience with a Body System VRT using the corresponding tuning fork kits and essential oils. Be sure to let your instructor know what Body System VRT you desire to receive in advance of the class, so that you can come prepared with those specific oils.
Participants completing this advanced training will receive:
An overview of different types of tuning forks and their frequencies
Hands-on Experience with Vibrational Raindrop Technique (VRT) developed by Dr. Christi Bonds-Garrett utilizing our Classic Tuning Fork Kit and other Systems Kits with essential oils
Introduction to Vibrational VitaFlex
Understand vibrational sound, frequency, and form
Understand tonal intervals, energetics, and tuning forks
Locate points for Tuning Fork Placement
Identify properties and frequencies of essential oils used in Raindrop
Learn how essential oils applied with intention are "tuned in" with intervals
Acquire skills in handling tuning forks and essential oils in Raindrop application
Learn to do Vibrational Raindrop Technique and Receive a Vibrational Raindrop
12 hour course that is taught live with hands-on experience by a certified instructor
A Certificate of Attendance *note: You are not certified by just attending the Course
Pre-requisite: You need to have attended Planetary VRT
AromaSounds® NeuroEndocrine Centers, Vibrational Auricular Technique – Raindrop Harmonics Course:
Required Class toward certification CRHS
In-depth training of Vibrational NeuroEndocrine Centers (VNEC), Vibrational Auricular Technique (VAT), Sacred Geometry and Gemstones, this 12 hours class will give us a great understanding to many of the human body points, energetically and physically… students will:
Receive introduction to NeuroEndocrine Centers and how to access them;
Learn to identify and remove blockages from the energy fields of the body;
Sacred Geometry and the use of gemstones with NECs;
Introduction to the use of tuning forks and gemstones on auricular points;
12 hour course that is taught live with hands-on experience a certified Instructor;
A Certificate of Attendance (12 CEUs) – You are not certified by just attending the Course.
Pre-requisite: None
AromaSounds® Chromatic Raindrop Technique – Raindrop Harmonics Course:
Required Class toward certification CRHS
Chromatic Raindrop Technique (CRT) is a 12 hours class with hands on live training. The course will introduce you to the history and understanding of colour lights, how to create intervals with colours and facilitate a beautiful Chromatic Raindrop session, making rainbows of intervals in the body.
Participants will:
Be Introduced to Light and Colour Harmonics, history of the use of light in healing
Overview of different types of light sources, filters, additive vs. subtractive light, and more
How to work with colour harmonics with Vibrational Raindrop Technique
12 hour course that is taught live by a certified instructor.
A Certificate of Attendance (12 CEUs) – You are not certified by just attending the Course
Pre-requisite: You need to know how to facilitate a Raindrop Technique. Not necessary to have be trained by CARE, but you need to know Raindrop before being able to attend this class.
AromaSounds® Ancient Oils Vibrational Raindrop Course:
Not arequired Class toward certification CRHS
This is a 12-hour seminar in applying the Raindrop Technique while incorporating AromaSounds’ Bible Oils tuning forks, along with Young Living Essential Oils - 12 Oils of Ancient Scripture Essential Oil Kit.
This training will also introduce and incorporate the new and beautiful “Lord’s Prayer” protocol to the Bible Oils vibrational raindrop as well as the Benediction protocol.
Participants completing this advanced training will:
Understand vibrational sound, frequency, and form; Understand tonal intervals, energetics, and tuning forks;
Locate points for Tuning Fork Placement;
Acquire skills in handling tuning forks and essential oils in Raindrop application;
Review the Oils of Scripture;
Learn how to facilitate the beautiful Bible Oils VRT protocol that supports us mentally, physically, emotional and spiritually;
Learn a special anointing with The Lord’s Prayer;
Give two Bible Oils VRT sessions and receive one;
Receive a Certificate of Attendance
Pre-requisite: You need to know how to facilitate a Raindrop Technique. Not necessary to have be trained by CARE, but you need to know Raindrop before being able to attend this class.